How to choose the right gloves?

23 agosto 2024
Comment-bien-choisir-ses-gants My Podologie
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Gloves are an integral part of a chiropodist's daily routine. During treatment, the practitioner must wear single-use examination gloves.

Functions of a glove

Exam gloves are single-use medical devices that must be worn during care and must be changed between each patient for safety and hygiene reasons. Despite this, wearing gloves does not exclude hand washing before and after each procedure, which remains the best prevention in terms of hygiene.

Single-use medical gloves help reduce the risk of contamination, transmission of bacteria and reduce chemical risks such as when disinfecting or sterilizing instruments.

When choosing your gloves, you must take into account the criteria of safety, comfort and protection.

The different types of gloves

The choice of gloves is essential, they must be selected according to their future use, comfort, resistance or even the risk of allergies.

Size is also an extremely important element. Gloves should be a good size for your hands, neither too big nor too small to avoid inconvenience.

Powdered or non-powdered

Powdered gloves are known for their ease of donning. Indeed, cornstarch powder allows for better sliding between the glove and the skin. It also helps to limit hand perspiration. These gloves are also very economical.

Powder-free gloves are mainly used by people who are allergic to powder. Powder can cause allergic reactions. These gloves are just as easy to put on and provide a comfortable feeling.

Discover our range of gloves

Sterile or non-sterile

Whether sterile or not, gloves must meet the NF EN 455-1 and 2 standard and form a bacteriological and viral barrier between the patient and the chiropodist-podiatrist.

Sterile gloves are highly durable and provide excellent tactile sensitivity during care. They are recommended for surgical care and medical diagnostics. Mainly made of latex, they also exist in neoprene and vinyl.

Non-sterile gloves are typically used for hazardous handling, cleaning instruments, and exposure to hazardous substances. They are often made of latex, vinyl, nitrile, and PVC.


Latex gloves are known for their high quality in flexibility, elasticity and tightness. They are essential in terms of protection. Indeed, they protect against infections and contaminations with consistently reliable performance.

The sensation of touch remains close to natural for meticulous and precise gestures.

Discover our latex gloves


Nitrile gloves are a great alternative to latex gloves for people with latex allergies. These gloves have many of the same benefits as latex gloves.

They have better conservation over time, which allows for a long storage period without impacting the quality of the product.

If the glove is punctured, it tears completely to prevent its use and protect against possible leaks.

Discover our nitrile gloves


Vinyl gloves are the most economical solution. These gloves are the least expensive on the market. They are slightly transparent but remain thick to the touch. There is no risk of allergy with these gloves.

Their use is recommended in situations where hand protection is not a primary factor; for high-risk interventions, it is recommended to use latex or nitrile gloves.

Find in our catalog a selection of quality disposable vinyl gloves, powdered and non-powdered, at the best price on the market.

Discover our vinyl gloves

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