FNP 2024 Election: David Boudet re-elected president

22 luglio 2024
Élection FNP 2024 : David Boudet réélu président
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On Saturday, May 17, 2024, during the national council of regions of the National Federation of Podiatrists (FNP), David Boudet was re-elected president. This event marks a new stage for the federation, with a strengthened team and renewed commitments to the profession of chiropodist-podiatrist.

Composition of the National Office

Here is the list of members of the newly elected national office:

Commitments and Priorities

The FNP, under the leadership of David Boudet, remains committed to advancing the recognition of the profession of chiropodist-podiatrist. Priorities include:

  • Defense of professional interests : Continue lobbying actions to improve the working conditions of chiropodists and podiatrists.
  • Continuing education : Strengthen training programs to enable professionals to stay at the forefront of medical advances.
  • Communication and visibility : Increase the visibility of the profession through communication campaigns and strategic partnerships.
  • Innovation and Research : Support innovation and research in the field of podiatry to improve patient care.

Importance of Membership

Joining the FNP means actively participating in the development of the profession and defending the rights of podiatrists. Members benefit from many advantages, including access to training, legal advice and an extensive professional network. To join online, simply follow this link .

The re-election of David Boudet demonstrates the confidence placed in his vision and leadership. The My Podologie team extends its warmest congratulations to the newly elected officials and to the national office. We salute their commitment and dedication to the profession of chiropodist-podiatrist, and wish them much success in their future missions.

For more information, see the full article on the FNP website here .

Photo credit fnp-podologues.fr

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