Complete Guide to Monkey Pox Protective Equipment

25 agosto 2024
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Monkeypox, or MPOX , is an infectious disease that requires special vigilance, especially for healthcare professionals. Using the right personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential to prevent the spread of the virus. This guide will provide you with the main equipment needed to ensure your safety and that of your patients.

Respiratory masks

FFP2 and FFP3 masks are essential to protect against airborne particles, including respiratory droplets potentially infected with monkeypox virus. These masks provide effective filtration and should be worn in all high-risk environments.

Nitrile gloves

Nitrile gloves are preferred over latex gloves for their superior strength and ability to prevent allergies. They protect against direct contact with bodily fluids and contaminated surfaces.

Blouses and overcoats

Impervious gowns or overcoats are essential to protect clothing and skin from direct exposure to contaminated body fluids. They should be changed regularly to prevent cross-contamination.

Protective glasses and visors

Goggles or face shields protect the eyes from splashes of infectious fluids. They are especially important during medical procedures where splashes are possible.

Disinfectants and hand hygiene

Hydroalcoholic solutions and other disinfectants are essential to maintain rigorous hand hygiene, especially after removing PPE. They must be used frequently to minimize the risk of contamination.

Effective protection against monkeypox requires the combined use of multiple PPEs, each with a specific role in preventing transmission of the virus. By selecting quality equipment and following protocols for its use, you can ensure maximum protection for yourself and others.

Find all the PPE mentioned in this guide on our website and equip yourself now for optimal protection.

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