The guide to properly treating your waste in the office

22 agosto 2024
Le-guide-pour-bien-traiter-ses-déchets-au-cabinet My Podologie
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How do we classify our waste?

In our offices, waste management is a very important task. There are two types of waste: DASRI (Infectious Risk Healthcare Waste) and DAOM (Waste Similar to Household Waste). In most of this article, we will mainly focus on DASRI, because it requires more attention and precautions.

DAOM management

These are wastes that are assimilated to household waste. They therefore do not present any risk of contamination for humans. We can find in the DAOM compress packaging, blade packaging, hand towels, etc. The DAOM are disposed of in bins exclusively intended for this purpose. They are the classic black color, as we all know!

Find a selection of garbage bags for DAOM on our website.

DASRI management

These are wastes that come from the clinical activity of a health practitioner and that can present an infectious risk for humans or be dangerous for the environment. As a Chiropodist-Podiatrist, we are concerned because we are confronted with this type of waste every day.

You should know that there are two types of DASRI:

These are the most dangerous wastes because there is a risk of perforation of the skin barrier. These are for example gouge blades, scalpel blades.

This type of waste has its own suitable containers which must be rigid in order to eliminate any risk of cuts during handling. They are recognizable by their yellow color and comply with NF X30-500 standards.

My Podologie offers you a wide range of containers which will allow you to ensure a certain level of safety when removing the blades.

Discover the range

"Soft" waste

These are those that do not present any risk of perforation of the skin barrier. For example, we can find all contaminated care materials such as cotton, compresses, objects in contact with a biological fluid or blood.

There is also all the single-use protective equipment such as surgical drapes, gloves, masks, etc. This type of waste is stored in yellow plastic bags, which are also very recognizable in our treatment rooms.

These yellow plastic bags meet NF X30-501 standards.

At the end of each treatment, waste sorting must be systematic!

Managing our waste after sorting

There are 3 rules to know:

- If you produce less than 5kg of waste per month, then you do not need to store your waste in a specific location. However, you should keep it as far away from your patients as possible.
- Under no circumstances should you attempt to compact, freeze or reduce your bag of waste.
- You should know that the storage time of your waste depends exclusively on the volume of your monthly production.

DASRI collection

It is absolutely mandatory to sign a collection contract with an approved carrier for the transport of your hazardous waste. The frequency of DASRI collection depends essentially on the volume of waste you produce:

- If your production is less than 5kg per month, a collection every 3 months is necessary.
- If your production is greater than 5kg per month, a monthly collection is necessary.
- If your production is greater than 15kg per month, a weekly collection is necessary.

Conduct to follow for our safety when managing hazardous waste

We have an obligation to protect ourselves when we perform this task. Our profession is exposed to risky tasks such as sterilization, handling of blades, office hygiene, contact with patients, waste management... Here is a short guide of tips to ensure your safety:

Before managing your waste

- Collectors must be kept away from patients and animals
- Collectors must be stored on a hard floor
- Collectors must be located in a ventilated area and not exposed to heat
- Check the integrity of your waste collectors before use

During the management of your waste

- Wear gloves intended solely for this purpose - Do not mix OPCT (Sharp, Cutting and Sharp Objects) with other types of waste
- Never recap a needle - Never insist or force to eliminate your OPCTs in your collectors
- Insert the sharp, cutting or pointed area of ​​your instruments into the OPCT tray first.
- After using your collectors, activate the temporary "click" closure

After managing your waste

- Replace the collector once it is full, or when the storage period has expired- Activate the final closing of the collector "click(s)"
- When a collector is closed, never try to open it again.

In the current context, it is obvious that we must pay particular attention to the management of our hazardous waste. Risks are everywhere and we hope that through these little tips, we have helped you.

Healthy waste management for a healthy life in the office!

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