Diplomas recognized by the Order of Chiropodists-Podiatrists in France

21 luglio 2024
Les diplômes reconnus par l'Ordre des Pédicures-Podologues en France
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The National Order of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (ONPP) recognizes a series of university diplomas (DU), interuniversity diplomas (DIU) and university study certificates (AEU) allowing professionals to enrich their skills. These diplomas, although important for specialization, do not confer new professional titles beyond that of chiropodist-podiatrist.

University and Interuniversity Diplomas

Recognized qualifications include, for example, training in diabetology, sports podiatry, and posturology. However, these qualifications do not authorize professionals to present themselves under specific titles such as podiabetologist or sports podiatrist.

Recognition Process

To mention these additional diplomas, professionals must send a request to the National Council of the Order, accompanied by a certified copy of the diploma. The Training Commission will check whether the diploma appears on the official list. If the diploma is not recognized, it is possible to submit the diploma and the details of the training for review.

Example of Mail

[First and last name]
[Zip code and city]
[Phone number]
[E-mail address]

National Council of the Order of Chiropodists-Podiatrists
100 bd Auguste Blanqui
75013 Paris


Subject: Request for recognition of diploma

Madam, Sir,

I, the undersigned, [First and last name], a qualified chiropodist-podiatrist since [date of obtaining diploma], currently practice at [place of practice].

As part of my professional development, I completed the [exact title of degree] training at [name of university] and obtained the [exact title of degree] diploma on [date of graduation].

I am sending you, as an attachment, a certified copy of this diploma and request its recognition in order to be able to mention it on my communication media in accordance with article R. 4322-10 of the Public Health Code.

I thank you in advance for your attention to my request and remain at your disposal for any additional information.

Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my distinguished greetings.

[First and last name]

Referenced legal texts

  • Article R.4322-10 of the Public Health Code : This article governs the conditions for mentioning additional diplomas on the communication media of chiropodists-podiatrists.
  • Order of June 29, 2016 relating to state diplomas for chiropodists and podiatrists : This order specifies the conditions for issuing and recognizing professional diplomas.

The recognition of diplomas by the ONPP aims to structure and promote the additional skills of chiropodists-podiatrists, while maintaining the clarity and consistency of professional titles. Professionals wishing to obtain recognition for diplomas not listed can submit their application for review, thus allowing for continuous development of skills within the profession.

For more details and the complete list of recognized diplomas, please visit the ONPP website here . You can also directly access the list of recognized diplomas by downloading the PDF .

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