DuroSpray® DS Ortho 3040 contact adhesive: the revolutionary glue for making soles!

23 augustus 2024
La-colle-contact-DuroSpray-DS-Ortho-3040-la-colle-révolutionnaire-dans-la-confection-des-semelles My Podologie
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One canister = 130 to 140m2 of application = 1500 pairs of soles or more!

Making orthopedic insoles can take a lot of time, and yet the insole is the primary tool of the chiropodist-podiatrist. Assembling and gluing comfort and correction elements determined during the podiatric examination can quickly become tedious.

Today, we offer you a concrete and effective way to save time and improve quality.

As you know, glue is the essential element in assembling the components of an insole, and it is also the one that requires the most attention and patience: our new DuroSpray® DS Ortho 3040 glue will make your life easier.

An optimized and healthier application with spraying with DuroSpray®

DuroSpray® DS Ortho 3040 adhesive is applied to materials using a spray gun that distributes it evenly over the entire sole. Its wide and fine spray pattern allows for precise, even application without adhesive penetration. No more brushes and excess glue! A simple flick of the wrist is enough to cover the sole. Toluene-free and with very little odor. This adhesive also contributes significantly to maintaining healthy air in your workshop.

The pattern of your sprayer tells you the ideal spraying distance and speed. If this distance is too short, you risk splashing and uneven application. Too long, your spray will settle on your material in the form of a filament. However, with a good distance, the pattern of your spray will be homogeneous, precise and ideally dosed and deposited. The same goes for the spraying speed. With a good speed, the spraying of your glue will be perfect.

Fast drying and foolproof bonding

Our new DuroSpray® DS Ortho 3040 glue is quick to use thanks to its short aeration time and long open time. In fact, it is possible to make many orthopedic insoles at the same time! In addition, it is possible to renew the old top layers by reactivating your glue with heat.

Here are its advantages over a classic brush glue:

- 100% spray, this system allows you to spray directly without brushing.
- It is possible to reactivate the glue by heat.
- A uniform spray is enough: no more numerous brush strokes made with classic glue.
- The aeration time for DuroSpray® DS Ortho 3040 glue is 2 to 5 minutes, compared to 10 to 20 minutes for a conventional glue applied with a brush.
- The sprayed element does not wrap around itself during the drying phase: no more sticky fingers.
- Your sole is covered with glue in less than 3 minutes, compared to 11 minutes with a classic glue. You save 8 minutes for each gluing carried out.

A mobile and easy-to-use system

DuroSpray® DS Ortho 3040 adhesive is suitable for both large and small practices: no electricity or compressed air is required to operate the bonding system. This means that the top layers remain in place during the spraying process.

In addition, commissioning this system requires little time and remains intuitive and accessible to everyone. Especially since refilling your glue stock has never been easier! To give you an idea, here are the short steps for commissioning the system and changing the cylinder:

Commissioning the system in just 3 steps:

1) Screw all connections, tighten with the wrench and check the tightness of the connections.

2) Adjust the width of the spray jet using the adjustment wheel. It is recommended to have a jet width of 10 to 15 cm for optimal spraying.
3) Your system is ready to use by opening the valve!

Changing the cylinder:

1) After the glue has run out, close the cylinder valve.
2) Depressurize the hose until neither gas nor adhesive escapes.
3) Loosen the hose from the cylinder using the wrench provided and connect directly to the new cylinder.
4) And there you have it, your system is ready to be reused after opening the valve!

Don't hesitate any longer!

As you will have understood, DuroSpray® DS Ortho 3040 glue will be a real asset for your workshop. It will save you time, improve precision and quality: it is an investment in time that will have a positive impact on your activity.

If you have any questions regarding this product, please do not hesitate to write to us at contact@my-podologie.com, at 0533040236 or on our social networks!